Why should you participate in GSEP?
The Global Science Education Pathways (GSEP) Program is a learner-focused, inquiry based, and interdisciplinary approach to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) learning. This innovative program will bring together a cohort of highly talented high school students (current 10th and 11th graders prior to summer year of participation) to engage them in learning STEM through the lenses of Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) technological advances, within a problem-based learning (PBL) curriculum environment.
To be part of a unique 4IR interdisciplinary science, technology, engineering, & mathematics (STEM) global learning community of young scholars across the trans-pacific Region (United States, China, Philippines, Laos).
To participate in an immersive summer residential program at Yale University, in New Haven, CT USA, one of the leading higher education institutions in the world, with access to the extensive academic resources available to students who are living and learning on the Yale campus.
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Learning of 4IR Integrated Sciences
Humanities and Cultural Identity Considerations and its impact on 4IR Advances
21st Century Societal Problems and Challenges through Lenses of History and Geographies
How to be an effective 21st Century Learner (EQ/Socio-emotional learning/adaptive and resilient learner/global science learner and 4IR innovator)
Harkness Tower at Yale University
To be challenged academically in a learner-focused, problem-based learning (PBL), and interdisciplinary global science STEM curriculum that will develop students’ capabilities to effectively learn 4IR innovative approaches to solving societal problems of the future.
To become more knowledgeable about your strengths and needs as a lifelong-learner through individualized learning assessments, one-on-one mentoring, and academic advising by GSEP program faculty who are affiliated with Ivy League Institutions (Harvard University, Yale University, and Brown University). You will be given the tools to become an effective lifelong learner with the abilities to be able to adapt and successfully navigate competitive college environments.
To develop long-term connections and networks with fellow scholars and GSEP faculty mentors and administrators and thus be part of a lifelong global learning community. An on-line global network will be maintained to ensure ongoing communications among all GSEP participants during and after their participation in the program.
Upon successful completion of the GSEP Program, alumni will receive a special GSEP Completion Certificate, attesting to the student’s mastery of all aspects of the GSEP Program curriculum. Those who receive an “A” Average across all GSEP Program academic requirements (individual papers, exams, group presentations, participation, etc.) have the opportunity to request a letter of recommendation from the GSEP faculty, which they can use for future applications for college and/or other learning/employment opportunities.