Thought Leaders Institute: Re-Imagining the Future of Work in Diasporic Southeast Asia

The LCLO Group recently hosted "Re-Imagining the Future of Work in Diasporic Southeast Asia: Innovative Solutions to Cultivating Diverse Talent in the 21st Century", a day-long, invitation-only institute for critical thought leaders in January 2019 in Napa Valley, California.

The Group brought together leaders across different industries, selected due to their unique understanding of the changing nature of work in the 21st-century global environment, to critically engage in conversations about the future of work in Southeast Asia. These leaders hailed from higher education, corporate, venture capital, governmental, non-profit, and entrepreneurial entities across the globe and throughout diasporic Southeast Asia. Participants engaged in conversations regarding how to increase cross-sector collaborations to facilitate workforce development and talent cultivation in the region.  

In interactive plenary and break-out sessions throughout the day, participants shared their unique insights and perspectives as leaders in their fields as they tackled how to disrupt narratives of inequality and invite broader participation of diverse and talented individuals to productively lead and contribute to the 4th industrial revolution economic development in Southeast Asia.

The Institute aimed to inspire these leaders to create and join new initiatives within and beyond their sectors to support Southeast Asian talent.

Thank you to our facilitators and participants, including but not limited to individuals from the following:

Amihan Global Strategies
Asante Africa Foundation
Asia Development Bank
Brown University
CVS Corporation
DevCon Kids
Harvard University
Hispanic Heritage Foundation
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
University of Michigan
University of Massachusetts
University of California


GSEP 10-Week Curriculum